Item: Robert Smith - Responsive Retina Resume HTML5 CV

Robert Smith - Responsive Retina Resume HTML5 CV preview image

Robert Smith - Responsive Retina Resume HTML5 CV

Web Templates , Site Templates
Published At

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Item Description

This unique template is a responsive and retina-ready HTML5 website with grid system layout. 


+ Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages
+ Perfectly responsive
+ Retina-Ready
+ Cross browser compatible – tested in  IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera. 
+ Well formatted and commented, so it should be easy to adapt and extend
+ Working ajax contact form with validation and working PHP mailer script
+ Retina-Ready Icons from demo plus additional ones (about 70) are included and more can be purchased
+ Custom print css stylesheet
+ Documentation included


The Mockup Images were supplied as a courtesy by GrafAS from graphicsriver. The Logo and all images are not included, but can be purchased. I will send you the links by email upon request.

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