Item: Website Template for Digital Creators

Website Template for Digital Creators

Web Templates , Site Templates
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Item Description

Multipurpose template for Creative agencies, Marketing companies, Streaming channels and SMM

Upcreators is a bright Multipurpose template for Creative agencies, Marketing companies, Streaming channels, SMM Services, Blogs, Portfolios, and stylish Shops. The template has more than 50 unique sections and elements that greatly expand the list of template using purposes and allow you to achieve amazing results and create a competitive and catching site. The template includes three homepages for Agency, Shop and Streamer, trendy online store pages like collections, lookbook and bright viral banners for online shop. It also has Event Page, Several Blog Layouts and other pages for your site.

Upcreators is fully responsive with lots of carefully crafted elements that are easy to edit to achieve any of your ideas. Design harmony, thoughtful details, appropriate animation and a nice custom cursor are the features that create a pleasant experience for the visitor and make him come back again.

**Pages and Layouts of the Multipurpose Template**

+ Home Agency
+ Home Shop
+ Home Streamers
+ About
+ Blog list
+ Blog Grid
+ Blog Sidebar
+ Single Post Full Width
+ Single Post Sidebar
+ Case Details
+ Our Works
+ Product Page
+ Product Page2
+ Product Page3
+ Search Result
+ Shop
+ Shop Collection
+ Shop List
+ Shop Lookbook
+ Cart
+ Contact
+ Events
+ Error Page

The core of the Upcreators Multipurpose is a modern, fast and powerful Bootstrap 5. The layout flexibility achieved by this framework allows you to fit the template even for beginners.

**Frameworks and Libraries**

+ Bootstrap 5
+ Splide JS
+ Hc-sticky
+ Isotype
+ lax js
+ react-easy-marquee
+ star-rating.js
+ Swiper
+ Google Maps
+ Baguette Box
+ Headroom JS
+ Sweet Alert 2
+ CountUp
+ Custom-select

The template is perfectly organized and structured, making it easy to customize all its parts, change the background and color, and manage global typography. Every Layout is just a starting point – you can style it to look any way you want. With CSS files, you also get SASS/SCSS files that simplify and speed up the template’s customization. The HTML code is clean and 100% valid and has been tested for the W3c validator test.

**Features of Upcreators Multipurpose Template**

+ Powered by Bootstrap 5
+ SEO Friendly Clean HTML 5 Code
+ Fully Responsive Layouts
+ Custom cursor
+ Completely W3C Valid Code
+ Three Homepages
+ Includes Shop Collection, Lookbook and shop pages
+ Four Blog layouts
+ Responsive Carousel
+ Trendy colors and gradients
+ Includes workable Contact Form PHP script
+ Appear and Scrolling Elements Animation
+ Developer friendly code
+ Unlimited Font Icons
+ Bootstrap UI Ready
+ Icons Provided by Font Awesome 5 and IcoMoon
+ Lightweight and Fast
+ Well Organized Files and Folders
+ Compatible with all Modern Browsers
+ Easy to use and customize
+ Tested in Color Blindness Simulator
+ Design Meets the Requirements of WCAG 2
+ Six months Customer Support for ThemeForest buyers

The Bootstrap Template to which you are now looking carefully crafted by a gifted designer in collaboration with an experienced HTML coder with great attention to details, flexibility, and performance specifically for developing unique Templates based on WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Muse, and other popular CMS.

Upcreators Multipurpose Template is ready to work immediately after installation – you only need to unzip and upload it to your web server. Read more about capabilities and settings in the Online Documentation.

Item Tags


SaaS Company Website Template
SaaS Company Website Template

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School Website Template
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